I grew up in a small town in East TN. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve loved trying to take photos of everything. That started out on a Game Boy Camera, and has progressed to whatever gear I am running at the time. I am a huge fan of anything automotive related, and will talk for hours about different tread designs for different purposes.

I have a degree in Marketing and apply that to my work when needed. For personal photography I tend to take a different approach. While attending college, a mentor taught me that “It’s not always about the subject being interesting. Sometimes it’s about what MAKES the subject interesting” Since then, I try and use the composition as a whole to keep things interesting.

While I focus on photography (pun fully intended), I also enjoy using drones to create a scene that is from a different perspective. Whether you need video or pictures from a bird’s eye view, I have you covered.

I live a Nomadic lifestyle and enjoy using the world as my studio, while my wife and I, along with our dog and cat (Pancakes and Syrup, respectively) travel for work. Travel nurses, am I right?

I try and capture the moments of each place we visit, and enjoy helping capture other peoples’ memories along the way. We typically will end up in around 3 cities per year and I will set up shop for the time being, wherever that may be. If you’re interested in working together on a project, or simply want some work done, feel free to reach out!



Wife (Anna)